Can you use all five of your senses?

Baking Cookies: Find your parents to help you with this activity. Make cookies and sing this song. Did you really just use all five of your senses? Tell us how you did that.

If You're Going to Bake Some Cookies
(Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It)

If You're going to bake some cookies, use your ears
If You're going to bake some cookies, use your ears
Hear the mixer mix the dough.
Is it going fast or slow?
If You're going to bake some cookies, use your ears

If You're going to bake some cookies, use your hands
If You're going to bake some cookies, use your hands
Roll the dough out smooth and flat.
With your hands, give it a pat.
If You're going to bake some cookies, use your hands

If You're going to bake some cookies, use your nose
If You're going to bake some cookies, use your nose
Smelling cookies bake is fun!
You nose will tell you when they're done!
If You're going to bake some cookies, use your nose

If You're going to bake some cookies, use your eyes
If You're going to bake some cookies, use your eyes
Choose the frosting that's just right;
Make them such a pretty sight!
If You're going to bake some cookies, use your eyes

If You're going to bake some cookies, use your mouth
If You're going to bake some cookies, use your mouth
Eat the cookies when they're through
Do they taste yummy to you?
If You're going to bake some cookies, use your mouth

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