
How to use this blog:
Go through each activity in this order: Smelling, Tasting, Touching, Hearing, Seeing.
Then go through all the extra links. Start by completing all activities and then do the practice work. I will tell you when everything needs to be turned in throughout the week at school. Make sure you post at least three comments on the blog a week. You are expected to go on the blog at least three times every week.

Everyone signed the forms with the rules of the internet. Be sure that you follow all those rules. Bad language is not acceptable, being mean to others is not acceptable either. Follow our class golden rule: Treat others the way you would want to be treated.

This is your warning. If you do not follow the rules I will call your parents. If I have to speak with you again your grade for all projects will be dropped one letter grade and the office will be told about your actions. If this still continues the matter goes directly into the principal's hands.

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